(Please scroll down for the English version)

建筑设计新挑战- 净零碳设计研讨会

《巴黎协定》确立了将“全球平均气温升幅与工业化时期前相比控制在 2°C以内,并争取 在 1.5°C以内”这一目标。全球建筑业产生了大约 1/3 的温室气体排放,因此全球建筑业 的节能减排对于实现《巴黎协定》的目标至关重要。

至 2030 年中国城市的人口预计将达到 10 亿人,中国每年也将新建约 20 亿平方米的建筑。因此为中国的设计专业人士提供实现高效、净零碳建筑设计和开发的原则、工具和过程的 培训比以往的任何时候都显得重要和迫切。

在 2015 年 10 月,52 家中国国内设计院和境外建筑规划设计公司签署了《中国倡议》, 将“碳中和或近碳中和”设定为中国所有新建和改造项目的设计目标。中国勘察设计协会 建筑设计分会(CEDAAB)和建筑 2030 自此设立了净零碳(ZNC)作为中国建筑实践的 必要和可实现的目标。本次中国净零碳设计研讨会正是以这一走向净零碳的承诺和趋势为 背景而举办的。





这一为期两天半的中国净零碳设计研讨会项目将于 2017年9月20日至22日在上海举办, 由中国勘察设计协会建筑设计分会零碳绿建技术推进委员会与建筑2030咨询有限公司共同主办,同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司承办。


中国净零碳设计研讨会项目将为超过 100 位的专业人士提供以下问题的答案:

• 我们建筑师在应对气候变化中可以做什么?
• 净零碳建筑和规划设计的过程是什么?
• 迭代的能源模拟对于实现能耗目标有多重要?
• 在一个特定的气候区哪一种设计策略是最有效的?
• 被动式的设计策略如何减少或消除建筑内暖通空调系统的需求?
• 在实现净零碳设计目标时,基地内外的可再生能源的作用是什么?


注册已经开始。如果您有兴趣,请联系 info_china@architecture2030.org

建筑 2030 咨询有限公司
Autodesk 欧特克
Dyson 戴森

The New Challenge of Architecture Design – Zero Net Carbon Professional Training Program

The Paris Agreement establishes the target to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels. The building sector is responsible for about 1/3 GHG emissions globally. To achieve the Paris Agreement, it is crucial to reduce the energy consumption and GHG emissions of the building sector.

To accommodate an urban population that is expected to reach one billion by the year 2030, China is adding roughly two billion square meters of new buildings annually. It is more important than ever to train Chinese design professionals in the principles, tools, and processes that deliver highly efficient, carbon neutral buildings and developments.

In October 2015, 52 Chinese local design institutes and international architecture and planning firms signed the China Accord, setting “carbon neutral or near carbon neutral” as the design standard for all new building projects in China. The China Exploration and Design Association Architecture Branch (CEDAAB) and Architecture 2030 have since established Zero Net Carbon (ZNC) as a necessary and achievable goal for Chinese building practice. The China ZNC Professional Training Program builds on this established commitment and momentum towards Zero Net Carbon.

Project Goals

The China ZNC Professional Training Program will be the first ever to prepare architects, building sector professionals, and future trainers from all parts of China in the design of Zero Net Carbon buildings and developments.

Unlike most green building training programs being offered so far, this program is principally targeted at empowering architects to lead in the design process by providing them with sustainable design principles and case studies. Not only will participants learn about ways to achieve green building certifications, they will also understand the rationale behind different sustainable design strategies, and be able to confidently deploy informed analysis and well- integrated design strategies to cost-effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

This training event, along with provided course materials and learning resources, is intended to facilitate the development of future professional training and education programs through CEDAAB, universities, local design institutes, international firms and other organizations throughout China.

The two and a half-day China ZNC Professional Training Program will be held in Shanghai on September 20-22, 2017 and is organized by Architecture 2030 in partnership with the Zero Carbon Green Building Technology Promotional Committee of the CEDAAB, hosted by Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.


The China ZNC Professional Training program will provide 100+ professionals with the answers to the following questions:

• What can we, as architects, do in response to climate change?
• What is the design process for ZNC buildings and urban developments?
• How is iterative energy modeling critical to achieving energy targets?
• Which design strategies will be most effective for a given climate zone?
• How can passive strategies minimize or even eliminate the need for mechanical systems in buildings?
• What is the role of on-site and off-site renewable energy sources in achieving ZNC targets?

Certificates will be awarded to participants of the full 2.5-day training.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Registration has now opened. Interested parties please contact info_china@architecture2030.org.

Zero Carbon Green Building Technology Promotional Committee of the CEDAAB
Architecture 2030 LLC
Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd

Supporting Organizations
Energy Foundation
AIA Shanghai
China Passive Building Alliance
Green Initiatives
German Energy Center & College
Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design

更多信息,请下载:For more information:


China Zero Net Carbon Design Professional Training Program (English)

中国净零碳设计研讨会报名表 Registration Form (中英双语 Bilingual)







