2017年9月20日 Edward Mazria 演讲视频:净零碳——新挑战 Edward Mazria’s Presentation Video: Zero Net Carbon: New Challenge on 20th Sept 2017

Please scroll down for the English version

2017年9月20日的净零碳设计研讨会上,建筑2030的创始人兼CEO Edward Mazria先生做出净零碳——新挑战的演讲。我们现在将演讲的视频与大家分享(英文原音+中文字幕)。


Edward Mazria



Edward Mazria是一位国际公认的建筑师、作家、研究员及教育家。过去十年,他在建筑环境可持续和适应性、能源消耗和温室气体等领域的学术研究重新定义了建筑、规划和设计在改变世界中所扮演的角色。他是建筑2030的创始人。建筑2030是一个专门为21世纪的挑战开拓实际解决方案的智库,并且在北美举办AIA+2030专业教育系列和2030城区的运动。

在2015年10月,多家国际和国内顶尖的设计公司采纳马斯瑞拉先生发起的《中国倡议》,承诺将在中国按照碳中和的标准规划、设计和建设;在2015年12 月的第二十一届联合国气候变化框架公约缔约国大会的“建筑日”中,他发表了开幕演讲“建筑业两摄氏度之路”。最近他开展了“实现零排放”倡议,为城市政府提供一个框架以助他们通过逐步行动在本世纪中叶实现建筑环境的碳中和,他也开展了“零碳城市”项目以帮助实现这一框架。









On 20th Sept 2017, Edward Mazria, the founder and CEO of Architecture 2030, made a presentation of Zero Net Carbon: New Challenge. Now we share the presentation video (English presentation + Chinese subtitles).


Edward Mazria

Founder and CEO, Architecture 2030, FAIA, Hon. FRAIC


Edward Mazria is an internationally recognized architect, author, researcher, and educator. Over the past decade, his seminal research into the sustainability, resilience, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions of the built environment has redefined the role of architecture, planning, design, and building, in reshaping our world. He is the founder of Architecture 2030, a think tank developing real-world solutions for 21st century problems, and host of the AIA+2030 Professional Education Series and 2030 Districts movement in North American cities.

In Oct 2015, Mr Mazria initiated the China Accord, adopted by key international and local firms to plan, design and build to carbon neutral standards in China; in Dec 2015 he delivered the opening presentation at the UNFCCC COP21“Buildings Day” titled The 2 Degree Path for the Building Sector. Recently, he developed Achieving Zero, a framework of incremental actions that cities and governments can put in place to ensure carbon neutral built environments by mid-century, and the Zero Cities Project to implement the framework.

Mr Mazria has received many awards including the 2015 Kemper Award from the American Institute of Architects, the American Planning Association Award, Department of Energy Awards, American Solar Energy Society Pioneer Award and the 2011 Purpose Prize.


This presentation introduces the critical importance for the construction industry to reduce carbon emissions in the context of the Paris Agreement and the rapid development of global cities, the pathway to achieve a zero net carbon built environment, and existing successful projects.


Zero Net Carbon: New Challenge(27:10)


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